Friday 9 July 2010

"“It’s not that you’re not good, it’s just I’m really tired!”” "So was I!"

“So how was your play?”

“Oh God. I was so knackered from the night before I fell asleep! It wouldn’t have been so bad except that it was one of those in the round things and I was in the front row, so they could see me. I felt so bad. I was like “It’s not that you’re not good, it’s just I’m really tired!””

Gay guy from three tables away : “So was I!”

(I especially liked this because it's one of those things that took about 10 seconds for me to get it, and when I finally did I was like "" XD)

Anyway, Lyon is even warmed than Paris and within 5 minutes I hated it, having already had 8 Euros chugged out of me by a kid at the train station…it’s so difficult to argue in a foreign language. So now I just speak at them in English. It’s great.

Also discovered that the Carnet I have left over from Paris don’t work in Lyon…god that’s annoying. Also the hostel is on the top of a huge hill. Perfect. On the flip side, the breakfast is great and the view is amazing…actually the whole place is pretty beautiful…I’m going to take a wander about up the hill soon and then go to the film museum.

Oh yeah, decided to put film back in my report, on accountof the face that there is NOTHING theatrical going on in Lyon…it’s sort of a long story involving me trekking about an hour and a half only to le Place Marche a Vaise only to discover that whtever the fuck it was I was trying to see was not there. Very, very frustrating given that the website is so unhelpful, and I was seriously considering going back to Paris, although that’d be atotal waste of like 100 Euros. So thinking about it it’s probably best just to make the project on Parisian theatre and French film, cause I can Youtube a lot of it anyway…

On the plus side I met this really lovely Swiss girl named Tamara who first phone like 3 different tourist offices, then offered me a beer with her friends. I ended up going back to her and eating cheesy pasta with her and her friend Kevin…funny house life turns out. She even offered me a shower! Which I didn’t take, but still. I showed them some of out British culture with Pendulum and Jedward, and they showed me this guy who sings about setting your soul on fire by getting stoned…then we had chocolate and cookies and they drove me home, where I got the best sleep I’ve had in ages despite being woken up at 7 by the pipes which make as in the loudest racket.

Anyways, hum ho I’m off to explore the area now that my MP4 has been charged. I also need to buy some shampoo and conditioner because mine seems to have gone missing so I had to borrow some this morning…not fun. Today is to be the hottest day of the year in France…fun…:L

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