Saturday 10 July 2010

"you might fall madly in love with him and his paternal instinct."

Ok, people in Glasgow will be sick of me complaining but I have to mention this…the fucking sink in my room. Actually. Every time someone uses the sink in the bathroom next door to wash their hands it starts rattling uncontrollably. I don’t just mean a slight distracting rumbling noise that might bother you when you wake up in the middle of the night, oh no. I mean a proper full scale banging clunking that wakes up everyone in the entire room. Why? Surely this is fixable!

Anyway, yesterday was a day of research; today I am visiting the Lumiere museum. That’s right kiddies, the holiday involves a museum. Actually it’s a film museum which slightly increases its rating on the cool scale, but still.

The guys here are a lot less up front than in Paris, which is nice. Had a bit of an encounter last night though; a 50 year old Italian man stopped me on the bridge:

“You look very nice in blue”

“Thank you”

“I saw you earlier today and I took a picture of you”


“Do you salsa?”

“Um, sort of”

“There’s a salsa bar just over there, I was wondering if you were going”

“No I’m just going to meet my, friend” (I’m getting too good at lying)

*laughs* “It wasn’t an invitation. I just wondered if you were going” *Lights cigarette* “This is just tobacco by the way, not weed. Do you smoke weed?”


“Because if you want later you can come and smoke weed with me”

“Naw, you’re alright”

“Eyyyy, what, you scared of me?”


*Laughs and gives me a high five* “I’ll see you later”

And then he cycled away on his wee bike.

I immediately texted about 5 people with “A 50 year old Italian man just invited me to go and smoke weed with him!”

My replies:

Viki: Hahahaha, omg that’s hilarious!

Jenny: Awwww don’t you just love the Italians? (She makes a good point. What is it with me and weird Italian men? I’m almost certain the metro stalker was one as well)

Phil: Sounds like a hot date. Go fer it! Who knows, you might fall madly in love with him and his paternal instinct. (Thanks Phil, but I guess we’ll never find out…)

Ok, turned out that the lumiere museum was a bit of a waste of time. Mostly just told me about the invention of the camera….right.

Had first proper scary time in Lyon when this guy with a lip piercing came up to me. I had earphones in and just said that I couldn’t speak French. I took the earphones out and he was saying “Fuck off…just fuck off…” which kinda gave me the impression that I was about to get stabbed and mugged since he was a pretty big guy. I didn’t ask what I’d done…

Anyways, back in the hostel. I keep getting the feeling that I’ve wasted 3 days :/ but planning to see loads and loads of movies over the next few days, so here’s hoping 

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